Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Painting in Process (by Aanya)

Aanya created four canvas paintings, size 11"x14" each...all by Acrylic Paints. I gave her ideas along the way and taught her a few techniques. This was in continuation to her other artwork (here is the link) which she and I did a few days back. Only this time, it was just her signature. You can see her creative progression in the little video we made.

Me: Aanya, this time you did everything, so what are you going to write at the bottom.
Aanya: Ummm...I can write "Aanya but NOT mummy"  
Me: LOL..No, you should just write "Aanya"
Aanya: Just Aanya? Yayyyy!!





Full paintings shown in the video above.

As Aanya grows older, I would like to teach her paint for a cause. To create something for a good cause. To create something for someone else. Nothing brings so much joy than doing something for others. I hope I can pass on this thought onto her. For now, I think we'll just keep painting and see where it goes....