Wednesday, August 13, 2014

No more Mommy Wars....

My first flight to US from India, immediately after marriage, wasn't a pleasant one. There was this young couple with an year old child who was apparently unwell with runny nose. The child constantly cried and the parents looked extremely uncaring( from my then 'naive' eyes). At that time, I blamed the parents for being irresponsible and it irritated me.
Today, how I wish, I meet those parents again and give them a big 'HUG'.

Motherhood, has brought a number of changes in me and the most unexpected change is, it has made me the most non judgmental person on this planet.

Having a baby is hard, infact, its the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I didn't go into motherhood naively. I had my own strong feelings, my own uncompromising ideas of how I would raise my daughter. But all those faded away into distant echos soon after I brought Aanya home and even the simplest thing like taking a quick shower needed planning.

There were times when I was judgmental about women making a choice that I didnot understand. Today, I know how tough it is to be a mother and I cannot judge anyone for her decisions. This is an extremely hard job and I have nothing but admiration for anyone who is taking it on.

Criticizing mothers for letting her kid cry,  breastfeeding too briefly, giving  her child timeout, making them wear this, letting him eat this...etc not right. And this is not what I want to do. I would rather hug her and tell her she's doing an amazing job and I am proud of her.

Because I am, I am proud of all of us. We all try to ensure our kids grow up happy, healthy and loved.


  1. Hahaha. ..I know what customers mean. Being the earliest of my family and friends to have a baby, I have received a lot of advice from them on how I was raising my kid.I am having the second laugh now ☺.

    1. Honestly yaar, sometimes it amazes me. Raising children is no joke. There is no right or wrong way, just Motherly way :)
