Friday, August 29, 2014

Kids these days! Or Parents these days?

Last Sunday, I with my family, went to a park around noon for a short picnic and to have some fun.
There were a bunch of kids playing everywhere. Their parents, some sitting on the benches chatting, some busy with their phones and some playing with them. Suddenly, I saw a man throwing a can of Coca cola on to the ground ( the trash bin, by the way was just a yard away).

In the same park, another day, I saw a name written on a swing ( the same swing which was clean a day before)

In another incident, a kid was having a running nose. He wiped his nose clean and threw the wipe on to the ground. His mother, picked up the wipe and threw it in the trash bin near by.

Why I am telling all these incidents is because kids have a bad reputation these days. Of all the conversations I have about kids, always end in "kids these days". And it makes me wonder Is it really the kids? Or is it the Parents these days?

In the first incident, the man didn't care to throw the can into the trash bin. Clearly showed, he had no respect for the park. The park which provides the space for children to play, families to gather and city dwellers to enjoy a peaceful retreat. Kids watch and learn. They use the same attitude outside they learn from their parents. Be it respect for park or respect for a person. And we say, kids these days have no respect...

The second incident proves my point.

In the third incident, instead of having her kid do it, the mother picked up the wipe. She happily did the work which he was supposed to do. And we say, kids these days are lazy.

Kids are full of excuses...
Kids are narcissist....
Kids love luxury....and so on....

Really? They are full of excuses because we parents allow excuses. They are narcissist because we parents always tell them they are special, beautiful and perfect.

I think kids are what they are because they were raised that ways. There are many many kids who have none of the above qualities. They show respect and work really hard. Those kids are also that ways because of their parents.


  1. So true Richa n Bhawna.
    This one I cudn't stop reading n commenting dear..
    At times I wonder being a parent different in today's times or it was always so challenging. I feel with more n more nuclear families and people running after success n economic wealth, society is heading towards spiritual poverty n loosing true values.
    Teaching our kids right n behaving so is not enough. To adjust n adapt sensibly for survival in the real world, yet retaining the goodness within alongwith courage n faith is the need of the hour. Teaching them the difference between action n reaction is helpful. N all this offcourse begins with us n our home. Everyone wants to give their children a better life n better world. I wish they feel more like giving them better values n better ,responsible individuals. .The rest will become best automatically. We can only change ourselves n mould our attitude. .

    1. Kya baat Divya, I agree. Parents have less time today for their children. Money surely can buy house in a good neighborhood, good school and good medical facility. What it can't buy is a mature adulthood and character. That's what we need to take care off.

  2. apart from minting money which is essential. , building true,strong character in kids is crucial. Change is constant. .people now a days do not listen to understand but to answer. The moment we begin the positive change from inside , things will change for sure. Society has to change for real better tmrw. .it will with our daily efforts with our children n this isn't possible overnight. .
    I pray daily for each of our efforts to manifest in the coming decades. Keep striving are doing a very good job.
