Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Girl's Gym Shoes...Cont...

Today, I asked my husband, what was his opinion on the Gym shoes story. And his reply was point-blank. "Doesn't matter whose mistake it is, you can't get everything". Wow! It seems I am the weaker parent here :)

So, I was reading this book- "Too much of a good thing" by Dan Kindlon, a child psychologist. It was his daughter whom the story was about. He very beautifully says its important to give kids a chance to learn how to adapt to a less- than- perfect world. It was important to make her recognise that her needs were not the only ones in the universe.

And yes, his daughter adapted easily without another word of complaint and no ill effects. Too often we think we are physically scarring our kids if we cause them the least bit of pain and suffering. We think we've failed as a parent when they are upset with us. Its important to learn at an early age, even if its painful, that their needs don't always come first and that the world does not revolve around them. The most important lesson we can teach our kids.

An important parenting lesson learnt by me as well. Thank you Dr. Kindlon :)

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